Please read the entire tutorial before asking questions. I am NOT affiliated with any cake smash groups or admin teams so please do not contact them with any questions or concerns. There are FAQ's listed all the way at the bottom.
A lot of you are asking to make a donation so here is my PayPal link:
You can see more photos of them in use here: NWI Photography | Cake Smash Photography | Rachel Peace Photography (

Please read the entire tutorial before asking questions. I am NOT affiliated with any cake smash groups or admin teams so please do not contact them with any questions or concerns. There are FAQ's listed all the way at the bottom.
A lot of you are asking to make a donation so here is my PayPal link:
You can see more photos of them in use here: NWI Photography | Cake Smash Photography | Rachel Peace Photography (

((Please don't judge this setup LOL I have glowed up since then))

Creativemarket, adobe stock & shutterstock are also great sites for clipart

This is also when I would change any colors to the clipart. Sometimes I will change the color completely or change the saturation. If you take a look at my baby shark set that I did with the girly colors. That is how I accomplished that look.

I like to use png files when making my file. If you have the choice, use a png instead of a jpeg

Yes you have to cut out the pictures first

This styrofoam is easiest for me but you can also buy the giant 4x8 insulation foam panels. they are found in the same aisle & you just have to remove the backing before cutting out the characters.. THIS IS NOT FOAM BOARD.


I can't find that spray what else can I use?
You can use a low temp hot glue gun.
How do I get them to stand up?
I cut a triangle with a right angle out of the foam & hot glue it on. It stands sort of like a photo frame. You can also use a jar or any item you have laying around. I have used a bottle of cleaning spray before LOL. You can also lean it against balloons or props. Lastly, you could use a glue dot or hot glue on the bottom of the cutout.
They printed on glossy paper/canvas what do I do?
If they print on a different material either the person did not know what they are doing or they ran out of paper. Call & ask to find out & see if they can reprint. If they print on the glossy poster paper you can purchase matte spray at Walmart. It is in the same aisle as the spray paint. If you do this spray in thin layers & build up until it is no longer shiny.
I can't find that exact foam cutter. What do I do?
Any foam cutter will work. You will find out that some get hotter than others so be careful. You will have to move quickly so it does not burn the paper. This has only happened to me once. Also, the wires can break on these & it is a pain to break the foam without one. Make sure you have a backup or extra wire
I printed & my cutouts are blurry. Now what?
You could try sharpening the file or you may not have saved them correctly. Honestly, none of them come out super sharp but as long as you save properly & sharpen before printing you should be fine. If you ask they usually let you reprint for free. Also, make sure you use a png file instead of jpg. I've noticed that it helps a lot.
What do you do with the cutouts after you use them?
Throw them in random corners of my prop room 😆
I'll try to keep more popular themes or I'll just keep the paper by carefully peeling it off & reusing the Styrofoam.
I can't find that Styrofoam. Now what?
Any Styrofoam works I even keep pieces I get from packages & reuse it.
Where is you #1 from?
Idk I forgot the shop name. I'll update if I find it
You realize it's illegal to be using trademarked characters....right? Meanwhile, I'm sure you'd get annoyed if a client took screenshots of your photos or if another photographer used your images for their website 🤣
Is there a link to your $20 backdrop tutorial?